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Do you know that trillions of miles of traffic are being trudged by truckies along those interstates nowadays? Truck drivers are important fixtures in the Australian employment market as they directly impact the economy. They help distribute goods and services not just in a particular territory but also between states and counties to meet our needs. While the importance of interstate truckies and income protection for interstate truck drivers cannot be overstated, the level of risk a truck driver faces day in and day out can be truly challenging.

trucks on the road

Interstate truck drivers are exposed not just to environmental hazards but also to man-made risks such as theft, arson, pilferage, assault, and collisions. Add fatigue from driving for almost 15 hours or more before reaching a destination, and you have the perfect recipe for disaster when no adequate rest or safety management system is in place. Regardless of how many states you have to cross or what products you may be carrying, it is important to keep these driving safety tips in mind.

Always maintain safe speed limits. Never attempt to drive like you’re in a NASCAR race on the highway with other truck drivers. Even when you are on a tight schedule, it is always wise to keep your speed at a minimum to give you enough leeway to maneuver safely on the road. High speed often ends up in catastrophe.

Keep a positive attitude all the time. You will be trudging highways alongside other big trucks and smaller cars. You will be driving side by side with equally haggard people itching to arrive at their destination. The highway, amid its seemingly organized traffic, can breed the most volatile of beasts. By maintaining a sunny outlook, giving way, and showing courtesy to other road users, you can help ensure that you don’t become the target of someone’s rage.

Always maintain a safe following distance. According to the Smith Driving System, applying a one-vehicle cushion or leaving a distance between you and another driver commensurate to your truck’s size will give you plenty of room to maneuver in an emergency. This also prevents tailgating and the risk of rear-ending another vehicle. This is even more important when the road is wet from rain or snow. Slick roads are always magnets for disaster.

Always keep left if you have no plans of overtaking. The right lane is considered the “passing lane” in Australia. Keep in mind that some interstates enforce this simple rule. Be mindful of being pulled over and issued a ticket as it can put a blip on your driving record and cause inordinate delays to your task.

Be highly visible on or off the road. Allow other drivers to see you easily. Turn headlights on as the sun sets, during torrential downpours, or when trudging the road during a cyclone. Though it rarely snows, it is also wise to turn on your hazard lights in such weather. Ensure your windows, windshields, and mirrors offer clear visuals.

Never use a smartphone when driving interstate. Eating while on the road is also a no-no. Distractions, as a whole, can easily turn a seemingly smooth ride into a disastrous one. Focus, and you will have no need to file a claim for income protection for interstate truck drivers.

Whether you have been driving recently or have been in the interstate loop for the last decade, it is always crucial to keep a safety management system in place. These safety tips are meant to address various risks that come with the territory. For a foolproof safety net, obtain a dependable income protection for interstate truck drivers policy. Call our hotline to ask us how.