Efficient Truck Expenses Insurance ClaimHave you experienced the stress of filing a claim for truck expenses insurance? Does the process leave you agog with tons of requirements? Ever experienced rejection? Dealing with an insurance claim, no matter what type, can be a taxing process. Trucking operators, for once, have to keep track of various records, receipts, and other incidentals– something that many are not keen of doing. This is even more so to self-employed truckies. The idea of recordkeeping while going about their long hauls can be quite overwhelming. When the time comes to file for a claim, however, one has to consider a lot of factors to ensure getting what’s due them.

When thinking of filing a truck expenses insurance claim, the following aspects may help hasten the process:

  • Find the insurance agent who sold the insurance policy. Everything about a truck expenses insurance or any policy for that matter begins with one’s choice of an insurance agent. Filing claims can be a tough maze and having experienced professionals to assist you will be of great advantage. It makes the whole process easier with the right people steering you to the right direction.

  • Inform your insurance agent or your insurance company as soon as possible and ask what appropriate actions and documents be submitted to cement your claim. Timing matters a lot when it comes to insurance claims. You can double check your policy on various stipulations, too. Some insurers only allow a week or a month. At best, it is essential to discuss this with your choice of insurance agent before signing a policy.

  • Arrange pertinent documents, visual images, and other necessary requirements for the claim to start rolling. An insurance company often ask for various documents like a copy of the policy. It may also request the accounting statement for expenses incurred. It is then, of utmost importance to keep a clean book of all your truck expenses in place. Keep receipts accordingly including let’s say, repairs before and after pictures. Some self-employed truckies often left out the recordkeeping portion learning too late that this eases their way to a successful claim process.

  • Fill out an insurance claim form completely and accurately– and return it the soonest time possible. This is of utmost importance particularly when it needs to be mailed. Do take time to ask if it can be sent via e-mail with scanned images of required documents. Some insurance companies offer online assistance but will still require that documents be submitted on a stipulated deadline.

  • Give contact information and make sure you can be reached. Truckies are often on the road making it hard to answer calls on their smartphone. E-mails is an excellent option as this give them enough time to reply to queries made by a claims adjuster. Social media contact may also be possible nowadays. The important thing is– you must be contacted should there be any problems to the claim filed.

  • Ask how to process a complaint. You may have a problem with the claim results and finding a way to send out your dissatisfaction will help ease the burden. This is even more so when you believed that you’re being shortchanged. Keep in mind that it is your right as a client to air out a complaint should the situation demands for it.

Filing a truck expenses insurance claim for the first time can be nerve-wracking. There is just so much to do on top of your hectic driving schedule. But keep in mind that there is no shortcut to filing an insurance claim. Always do it the proper way and seek out guidance from the right professionals.

Photo Credits: Markel-UK


Want to know more on proper financial management, insurance, and the likes? Contact our office or enquire online as we have help you with truck expenses insurances and financial management.