Do you want to make sure you are only doing business with a legitimate insurance company? If this is your very first interaction with an insurance provider, here are some steps that you can try to verify whether the insurer is real or a fake.

Step #1 – Request proof

While you have the chance, verify if the insurance company is legitimate or not. Don’t be afraid to ask for proof of authenticity such as a business permit, official registration of their business name on a business directory listing and other insurance organizations. Remember, a legitimate insurance company would confidently show any business document that will prove their legality in the insurance industry.

Step #2 – Go to your local directory list

Even if you are in a hurry to transact with an insurance provider for your side lift trailer insurance, don’t just rely on their claims of authenticity; go and check if their name is listed on your local directory listing. If you can’t find the insurer’s name listed, be sceptical. A licensed insurer should make an effort to be listed on business pages to promote their services.

Step #3 – Do an online survey

If you are too busy attending to the daily operation of your business and you don’t have the time to spend to actually visit insurance companies to check if they are real or not, why not do online survey? A legitimate Side Lift Trailer Insurance company is sure to have an official website where they offer services to online shopper too busy to go to a traditional insurance company. If you can’t find any information about a prospective insurer, time to think twice because you might be dealing with a fly-by-night operator just pretending to be authentic.

Step #4 – Ask around

Asking around in the community can be a positive way to find a credible and genuine insurance company. You are sure you to find out where others bought their insurance policies and people will be happy to share their positive experiences when it comes to investing in insurance products like a Side Lift Trailer Insurance policy. You can start asking the people living close to you like your next door neighbour, family member or relative. In fact, you can also ask a fellow business owner with a Side Lift Trailer and ask where they purchased insurance and whether they are happy with their choice.

Step #5 – Rely on your innermost feelings

Have you experienced your innermost thoughts hinting that the person you are dealing with can’t be trusted? This could be your gut feeling telling you not to entrust your money with this person. If this is the case, better follow your instincts and thoughts because you have nothing to lose in backing away. There are still other insurance providers waiting for your approval and you just need to take a closer look at their credentials before the final decision to buy a side lift trailer insurance policy.

Truck Insurance HQ are market leaders in the truck and transport sector. We are brokers that work hard to find you the best insurance for your needs and budget. Call us today on 1300 815 344 or you can go online and request a quote.