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Chain of Responsibility Insurance

Chain of Responsibility InsuranceChain of responsibility is a concept in Australia’s transport regulation that aims to put legal obligations on all parties involved in the transport supply chain or all players in the transport industry in general. This concept was initiated to apply to the heavy vehicle motor industry to regulate concerns such as speeding, loading and dimension, fatigue and mass but has since spread to other transport sectors including rail, bus, marine and other players in the transport industry. The effect of this new legislation was a broadening of the responsibility for safety compliance not only concerning drivers and transport operators but consignors, packers, loaders and consignees.

Road freight users can be penalized for infractions concerning mass and dimension depending on whether they are minor or major breaches. These infractions can entail legal expenses and penalties that could negatively impact on cash flow and operations.

Transport operators need to ensure that they are discharging their duties by taking all reasonable steps to prevent breaches regarding chain of responsibility, given the severity of penalties and sanctions within the law.

As a transport operator or truck owner, you need to get cover with Chain of responsibility insurance. Each business is unique so we make it our mission to provide tailored solutions to your insurance needs. Get benefits of wider coverage and cheaper insurance costs by calling Truck Insurance HQ’s specialist insurance advisers to get the right insurances today on 1300 815 344 or go online to request a quote.