A dump truck is a substantial investment, and an accident can cost owners a lot of money. Plus, if your truck is at fault for an accident, you’ll be responsible for the repair of your vehicle, and also for the damage caused to the other vehicles. From there, personal or medical injuries could add more to your financial burden.
Dump truck insurance is the only way to mitigate the risks and potentially save your business from financial liability.
A dump truck is used for transporting loose materials and then dumping them on the ground. This type of truck is equipped with a hydraulically tilting body. It can be a rigid assembly, meaning a vehicle consists of a body and cabin, or it can be articulated.
Most dump trucks are used in urban construction sites and in mining sites. Both environments have particular risks that could endanger the financial security of your business. Despite higher safety records in Australia concerning the construction and mining industries than in most other countries, accidents are still an inherent part of the industry. A single accident claim can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, causing a negative impact on your bottom line.
Needless to say, with the right insurance cover for your dump truck, you can be protected from all types of risks you face. Aside from driver injuries, vehicle substitution or replacement, property damage, and other liabilities, you can be covered for legal expenses and other miscellaneous expenses that can immobilise your business.
This extensive form of insurance covers the damage to your motor vehicle for loss, damage, or theft of your motor vehicle and the liability to third parties for property damage caused by your motor vehicle.
Covers you for damage caused by your vehicle to other vehicles or property but does not provide cover for your own vehicle.
Cover for damage to your motor vehicle if it is stolen or damaged by fire and the liability to third parties for property damage caused by your motor vehicle.
A dump truck insurance policy generally costs more than $200 per month per vehicle or more than $2,000 annually.
Insurance companies consider how large the truck is when determining the cost of coverage. You will get different quotes from different insurance companies. Due to the nature of operations, there will also be differences in insurance premiums between dump truck businesses.
Part of staying competitive and viable in your industry is making sure you are covered with the right insurance. Truck Insurance HQ provides affordable insurance solutions with a wide range of cover for all types of trucks and heavy equipment. As a leading insurance provider in Australia, we have gained expertise in your industry and offer tailored solutions to your insurance needs.
For all your needs call a market leader with a team of experienced brokers available to provide you with competitive quotes. Call the team at Truck Insurance HQ on 1300 815 344 or you can request a quote online by clicking on the button below ⬇️