Truck Driver Salary Protection Insurance Australia: Getting Ready For the Flu Season

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Truck Driver Salary Protection InsuranceAustralia is known for its inclement weather conditions. One may even experience different seasons in a week or in a day alone and this can wreak havoc to long haul truck driver’s immune system. Think about not having enough sleep or rest then, getting soaked in a sudden downpour. Or having traveled for more than 12 hours in a humid environment only to find himself whipped with wintry air at a pit stop. Luckily, some have truck driver salary protection insurance Australia to give them leeway as they recuperate from colds or worse, the dreaded flu.

With the flu season in full swing once again, truckies are well-advised to make necessary precautions. Flu is a gravely contagious disease. It can lead to hospitalization and, if not addressed upon, may even result to death. Truck drivers being frequent travelers are virtually exposed to the flu virus. To fight flu while on the road, these tips can be of help:

  • Always take time to wash hands thoroughly on every pit stop. Your truck’s doorknob and every doorknob in a diner, car wash you frequent, or wherever you feel like parking for the night can be infected with the virus. One touch is all it takes for the virus to creep into your system as you eat, touch your nose or eyes. You may also do so with the aid of rubbing alcohol or alcohol-based sanitizer. Personal hygiene is often neglected by some truckies. Don’t fall into the same statistics and make sure to keep microbes and viruses away.

  • Frequent and thorough truck-keeping doesn’t hurt either. You virtually spend most of your time inside a truck’s cab more than at home. Viruses and other microbes tend to stay behind and multiply in numbers. Always strive to vacuum clean truck’s cab and disinfect it as well. Water-based disinfectant sprays can come handy even during off-flu season. Microbes and other deadly microorganisms may find a way to slip into your truck after resting or eating or defecating in a pit stop.

  • Create a constant germ barrier while on the road. Truck drivers and their lonely plight tend to gravitate to small talks and hearty laugh with other truckies. Don’t assume that others who have the flu will just stay home or have made necessary precautions. Instead, be mindful of your actions towards those who are sneezing, coughing or sniffling. A few droplets is all it takes to infect you with the dreaded flu virus. Keep in mind that the virus can also stick to surfaces for up to 10 hours and a touch of your hand can send millions of them into your mouth, nose, or eyes.

  • Get vaccinated–yearly. Check with your company if flu vaccine is shouldered by your healthcare insurance. If not, take time to visit your doctor’s clinic PRIOR to the flu season. This inexpensive shots are also available in certain pharmacies across Australia.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food, constant hydration and sleeping/resting well. Take time to sweat it out, too, during pit stops. The flu virus, as well as other germs and microbes, tend to weaken the immune system. Eating fruits like berries and citruses during snacks, for instance, puts a protective shield to your body from diseases.

Bottom line is: Always take preventive actions on a daily basis. Do not go complacent just because you have truck driver salary protection insurance Australia policy to fall back on when sick. Flu can easily infect anyone in the family making your spouse and kids susceptible to them, too. Take into mind that flu can be deadly.



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