Road Surfacer Insurance

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Road Surfacer Insurance

A road surfacer is typically found in construction sites and road works. It keeps the asphalt hot to prepare for laying before a roller compacts the surface.

This type of heavy machinery is used in environments that are high risk. Operators of such heavy machinery for construction are aware of these risks and manage them as best as they can, complying with safety standards and labour codes. Despite these safety measures, accidents do happen that could give rise to expensive legal, medical, and operational costs. Without insurance cover, your business could be in jeopardy.

The construction industry drives the Australian economy with more than 200,000 businesses that represent about an estimated 20% of the total number of existing businesses in Australia. Improved efficiency and safety for the public is achieved with transport infrastructure by means of new roads and bridges that promote regional and domestic economic growth.

To remain competitive, your business needs to be protected with Road Surfacer Insurance that has a wide range of cover that addresses the risks you face. We understand your industry and are experienced in insuring businesses like yours that operate with heavy machinery and trucks. We can help you obtain insurance products that meet your business needs at more affordable costs.

Call the experienced team of brokers at Truck Insurance HQ on 1300 815 344 for affordable Road Surfacer quotes that are tailored to your needs.


Go online to request a quote or Road Surfacer Insurance today.

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